EmbededQuiz Money DNA Quiz In just 10 minutes you’ll discover your Money DNA. Simply tick all of the statements that apply to you and then hit “See Results” to get the result! Thoughts Emotions Actions Thoughts "I am not good at managing my own finances." "I am confident I can accumulate wealth." "I think that good things will never come to me." "Wealth is a symbol of success." "I believe that wealth represents power." "The most important thing for me at work is to be able to fully utilize my abilities." "I hope others help me with my finance." "Money gives me a sense of security." "I am securing my financial future." "I often find it hard to make decisions." "It's hard for me to let go of the past." "I am very confident in myself." "I am financially successful and I don't worry about money." "I have a love/hate relationship with money." "It's easy for me to trust others." "I live in hope that someone will come to rescue me financially." "I'm powerful, capable and determined to achieve my desires in life." "I believe in something bigger than ourselves and that we should learn to let go and be guided by faith." "I am selective with my choices and have been described as picky." "I like to be able to control everything." "I believe enlightenment is reached through self actualization" "I sometimes feel detached from the material world." "People often say I'm naïve and too innocent." "I believe that I can manifest anything I want in my life." "It is important to connect to the spiritual side of myself." "Authenticity is the key to honoring my own voice." "I'm not attached to material goods and don't think they are important in life." "I've been told I am too rigid in how I think things should be done." "I can be resistant to new ideas or things that I'm not familiar with." "Material goods don't mean anything to me." "I think that our life course is set out when we are born and there's not much we can do to change it." "Security is my first priority when it comes to finance." "I am satisfied with my current financial situation." "At times, I can be highly critical of others." Emotions "I feel anxious when I think about my finances" "I feel annoyed and irritated when I hear people talk about money." "Talking about money makes me uncomfortable." "I am a very compassionate person." "Talking about money makes me feel sad." "I often worry that I won't have enough money for retirement." "Because of my financial situation, I feel like I will never have the things I want in life." "I feel that I'm not financially responsible enough." "I often feel powerless about my finances." "I have put up with trouble or unhappiness for a long time." "I've been told I can be passive-agressive." "I always see the bright side of things and I'm quite optimistic about life in general." "I am often described as highly emotional." "It's hard for me to let go and forgive those who have wronged me." "I have an addictive personality." "I constantly feel disappointed, resentful and angry with where I am in life." "I constantly feel dissatisfied and that I need to do something to improve my status quo." "My financial situation scares me." "Sometimes I feel that I am or someone has told me that I am too generous." "I try to avoid conflict or confontation with others." "I feel that my feelings and beliefs have been suppressed for a long time." "I constantly feel betrayed by others." "I often feel that I've been left out and unsupported by others." "I can't help but feel angry when someone starts talking about money." "I always feel anxious or guilty when I'm collecting my pay or asking for money." "I feel the need to rescue other people." "I feel that I'm doomed to be poor." Actions "I like to take care of others." "I am not interested in personal finance." "I spend time learning about how to invest and manage my own finances." "I am always trying to improve at work." "I find it easy to make sacrifices and prioritise others above myself" "I am more financially comfortable than most of my friends." "I don't know where all my money goes." "I am undisciplined when it comes to money." "I want to get rich soon." "I feel that talking about money is very shallow." "I often make implusive financial decisions." "I could handle a major unexpected expense right now." "I can enjoy life because of how I manage my money." "I'm quite adventurous about trying new things with my money." "I am behind with my finances at the moment." "My financial difficulties come from being too trusting of others." "I am highly disciplined with my money." "I am good at persuading others others to do what I want them to." "I usually make wise decisions about money." "I am very goal-oriented." "I am a numbers person and I like to calculate the pros, cons and costs when making decisions." "It is important to live in the moment." "I am a generous person." "I like to keep myself motivated with self-development books and videos" "It is my ultimate goal to find balance across all areas of my life." "I have a passive approach to managing my finances." "I love being creative and enjoy fresh, new ideas." "I am used to suppressing my thoughts and feelings without showing them." "I am often described as a perfectionist." "I like to reward myself with material goods." "I need others to take care of me financially at the moment." "I sometimes make reckless financial decisions." "Socialising is not my cup of tea. I prefer staying at home where I am comfortable." "I like to keep a secret stash of money hidden for myself, that my partner doesn't even know about." "I form opinions of people and situations quickly." "I like collaborating with others." "I am sometimes prone to overspending." "I always feel conflicted with my surrounding." "I'm very cautious about how I spend money." "I can always come up with ways to achieve my goals." "I don't really pay attention to my day-to-day finances." "I'm conscious about every financial decision I make." "People describe me as happy-go-lucky." "I am good at taking care of my own budget." "I am a very loyal person." "I don't pay much attention to my finances." "I'll go shopping when I'm in a bad mood." Submission button is disabled until all tabs have been visited
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